COPSE: A Beginners Guide to Tree Protesting
By Kate Evans
Microcosm Publishing, Portland, OR, 2024
Pages: 32
Dimensions: 5.5" x 8.5"
Cover: Paper
Binding: saddle stitched
Process: unknown
Color: full color cover with black ink interior
Edition size: unknown
ISBN: 9781648416286
A scrappy zine is the best place for thorough information about taking direct action to protect trees. We think you will enjoy reading about the strategies and tips contained in COPSE: A Beginners Guide to Tree Protesting, even if you don't plan on occupying any trees. The publication has instructions on tying a variety of knots, what kinds of safety harnesses to use, and how to blockade yourself on a platform when you need to stay safe for a long haul. If the malicious federal government, headed by people who put profit over all else, get their way and cut down forests in the US, protecting trees may need to become our new national past time!
Save the trees! This primer guide to direct action explains concepts about protesting in forests, such as how to shop for safe climbing gear, tying knots, climbing trees, and funky tree houses. Experienced tree-sitters offer detailed explanations of why and how to work with forest giants to prevent environmental destruction, including lots of cute cartoons, diagrams for knots, and drawings of the tree houses. Read up and get someone to help you figure out the basics! Be safe and happy climbing!