Looking for a Sign: Contemporary Art, Magic, and Language
Guinan, Kerry, ed., with Aaron Gach (The Center for Tactical Magic), Kerry Guinan and Frank Sweeney (The Order of Cooperative Consciousness), Annie Kwan, Anri Sala, and Linda Stupart
Kerry, Ireland, Durty Books Publishing House, 2024
Pages: 92
Dimensions: 6.75 in X 4.25 in
Cover: Paper
Binding: Perfect bound
Process: Offset
Color: Full color
Edition size: unknown
ISBN: 978-1-7391032-1-7
All the way from Kerry, Ireland, a new title we are distributing from the press co-created by our recently published writer Kate O' Shea! In addition to this book introducing us to artists that are unfamiliar, we were also happy to see fresh documentation of the work of Aaron Gach (The Center for Tactical Magic) who we featured some years back in our book Mobile Phenomena. From the publisher:
In a culture dominated by prescriptive rationality, and the reduction of language to functions, Looking for a Sign champions the intersectional practices of art and magic, exploring their capacity to invoke a profound dimension of reality that transcends the limitations of language. Comprising essays, reflections, and artworks from a group of international artists and curators — Aaron Gach (The Center for Tactical Magic), Annie Kwan, Anri Sala, Linda Stupart, and Kerry Guinan and Frank Sweeney (The Order of Co-operative Consciousness) — the volume reflects and interrogates an inquisitive turn towards magic in contemporary art. For these practitioners, magic is a potentially political and emancipatory practice, which challenges normative, rational frameworks, expands the horizons of reality, and restores one's sense of personal and social agency. With an eclectic set of contributions that range from instructive spells to curatorial propositions and academic essays, Looking for a Sign is an indispensable resource for those seeking respite from the relentless codification of our collective existence.