Proximity Number Two: The Cities Issue
Editors: Rachael and Ed Marszewski, Mairead Case
Chicago: Proximity Magazine, Fall 2008
Pages: 208
Dimensions: 7.5 in x 9.5 in
Cover: soft
Binding: perfect bound
Process: digital
Color: full color cover and limited number of pages, mostly b&w
Edition size: unknown
ISBN: none
The full title of this issue, the second, is: Proximity: Imaginary Cities (Interventions and Investigations of Art Metropoles). The design of Proximity is impeccable, impressive in its second issue mainly because of all the experience of the people who are publishing it. Where most magazines would be finding their stride by about the 3rd or 4th issue, these folks got it already.
This issue has 48 more pages than the first. There is the same lush, matte cover that makes it a pleasure to hold this publication. Inside are reports from an impressive number of cities: Helsinki, Seattle, St. Denis, New Orleans, Berlin, Reykjavik, Rotterdam, Milwaukee, Jacmel, Houston, Tokyo, Kansas City, Hamburg, Marktown and Chicago. Another highlight in this issue is an article by the late, great, Ben Schaafsma who was doing incredible work rethinking funding and organizational structuring of arts culture. Ben will be missed; this article shouldn't be. Click for a full listing of the issue's contents.