Rot and Roll: Natural Burial and the Funeral-Industrial Complex
By Maggot O Gray
Microcosm Publishing, Portland, OR, 2024
Pages: 48
Dimensions: 5.5" x 8.5"
Cover: Paper
Binding: saddle stitched
Process: unknown
Color: full color cover with black ink interior
Edition size: unknown
ISBN: 9781648413773
HLP partner, Brett Bloom, is a professional composter who runs a business that composts over 400 tons of food scraps and yard waste a year. He lives and (literally) breathes compost on a daily basis. He also wants to die composting, which he almost did in 2024 in a work-related accident. He really wants to be composted at the end of his time on Mother Earth. This publication is an accessible and fascinating guide to the history of funerary services and their increasing toxicity since the US Civil War. Why? You have to get the zine to find out. This publication has a lot of wonderful surprises in it and makes a good case for composting yourself at the end of your life.
From the publishers:
Wondering if green burial is for you? Or maybe you’ve never even heard of it. Either way, Ricky the friendly zombie is here to give you the low-down on why traditional burial and cremation aren’t the only options for what happens to your body when you die. After a jaunt through the history of the United States funeral industry, Ricky walks you through the pros and cons of the different types of traditional and natural burial—from cremation to aquamation and beyond—to help you make the best choice for yourself (and the planet) as you plan for your inevitable demise.