Facility - Issue #2
By Facility Magazine
Brooklyn, NY, 2021
Pages: 116
Dimensions: 7 in x 10 in
Cover: Paper
Binding: perfect-bound
Process: offset
Color: black ink
Edition size: 1000
ISBN: none
It's always cool to discover a new and super interesting publication, but you know what's even better? When that publication reaches out to you first and wants to include you in their awesome thing! So it was with great pleasure that we gave Facility Magazine permission to reprint some pages from our book Prisoners' Inventions that we made with our late friend Angelo. Facility added a sharp intro text as well. Thanks for including us Facility friends. This publication is the shit!
From Facility:
Facility is a magazine about bathrooms. It treats the bathroom as a small but interesting window through which to view society. Issue 2 includes: bidet reviews, bar soap horoscopes, a personal essay on convent bathrooms, a piece on bleach and harm reduction, low-cost ways to make public restrooms more accessible, bathroom inventions made in prison, plus investigations into toilet paper embossing, saliva, bird poop, and more!
Featuring: Laurel Atwell, Keenan Bennett, Reily Joel Calderón, Rebecca Damilola Fayemi, Laura Gamboa, Robb Godshaw, Elizabeth Gumport, Mikaihla Howe, Joyce S. Lee, Molly Marriner, Elisabeth Nicula, Gabriel Pericàs, Anna Platt, Danise Prescott, Anika Rahman, Erin Sheehy, TJ Shin, Peter Snelling, Temporary Services and Angelo, Ward 5B, and Mona Williams. Cover by Zekarias Thompson.
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We don't talk about this enough
Purchased because of curiosity, this is just brilliant. It starts with a Meditation which Ivve already used in a presentation. Includes a section of Prisoners' Inventions. The piece on the smell of bleach during the covid pandemic awakening memories of the AIDS crisis and activism is stupendous. Still reading. Guess where...