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By Museums and Exhibition Studies Program at University of Illinois at Chicago, Therese Quinn and Lauren De Jesus, eds.
Park Ridge, IL, printed by Stepsister Press 2018
Pages: 222
Dimensions: 6.7 in X 9.6 in
Cover: soft
Binding: perfect bound
Process: digital
Color: full color
Edition size: print on demand
ISBN: 978-0980230093
The 3rd issue of this excellent journal from Chicago. Too many contributors to mention in 25 short texts but some include: Daniel Tucker, Rachel Wallis, Emily Rogers, Hiba Ali, Kathryn Dawson, Susan Fahr, Abigail Diaz, Danielle Kuijten, FICTILIS, Jan-Henry Gray, and more. Topics include museum ethics, multilingual accessibility in museums, the Museum of Capitalism project, women in the museum, and a tough critique of The Whitney Museum's "An Incomplete History of Protest" exhibit.
From the publisher:
"Strangers in strange lands. Heroes sent to right what is wrong. Workers separated from the fruits of their labor. Scapegoats in times of fear and change.
Aliens and alienation are ever present tropes in our cultures, our politics, and our lives. This issue of Fwd: Museums tells stories of estrangement and inclusion, of museums expanding beyond their walls and opening themselves to those who have been unwelcome, of museums failing to do either of these things, of institutions that must revolutionize their missions and practices, and of the workers and visitors who will make that happen. “Alien” includes provocative critiques, celebrations, hidden histories, and manifestos exploring otherness, other worlds, and other possibilities."